The best ways to support us our in any way you can! Whether it’s donating any amount, following and sharing our content on our social media channels, or talk about our journey to friends and family, we appreciate your support in any way possible.
Donations will be used to fund new or existing programs that carry out the Empowered Trail Foundation mission, such as educational programs, events, and other opportunities to support mental health awareness.
Absolutely! We believe collaboration is key to creating meaningful change. Whether you're interested in sponsorships, hosting joint events, or supporting our programs through donations or resources, we’d love to explore partnership opportunities with your business or organization.
For more details on partnership opportunities, please info@empoweredtrailfoundation.org We look forward to hearing from you!
The TGO Challenge is a self-supported Scottish Coast to Coast backpacking adventure walking on a route hikers create themselves. The trail decided must cross the entirety of Scotland and be completed in 15 days or less.